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Federico Tartarini - How to communicate with me on Slack

The nature of chat apps makes it tempting to blur the lines of workplace conversation. Are emojis unprofessional? Should I share a photo of my breakfast? How do I reply to messages without breaking up the flow of conversation? The prevalence of remote work necessitates a standardized knowledge of do’s and don’ts.


What is Slack etiquette?

Slack etiquette is a code of behavior that helps the preservation of workspace boundaries. It promotes a harmonious and comfortable baseline for communication. It also maximizes the vast features that Slack offers.

1 – Do write to be understood

Use direct, succinct language. Try your best to write out your entire point within one message, using bullet points and numbers for additional organization.

Given the asynchronous nature of Slack, messages that don’t paint the whole picture lead to confusion.

Imagine your colleague lives in a different time zone. They read your message during their working hours and don’t understand what you are referring to. They reach out but you’re now off the clock, and the message only gets responded to during your next business day. Even worse, the message now turns into a call, cutting into either your or your coworker’s personal time.

Writing self-contained, contextual messages prevents misunderstandings. Save on time spent reaching out for clarification by including all necessary information in your first message.

Slack has a great guide on formatting messages so you’ve no excuse to write a baffling message.

2 – Do use threads to maintain conversation flow

Slack threads enable users to reply directly to topics and messages that pertain to them.

Replying within a thread declutters the channel and helps maintain control of the workspace. There is no need for conversations to vie for attention. Threads ensure that responses are seen by the necessary eyes.

3 – Do appreciate asynchronous communication

Be wary of approaching Slack with the same mentality as you might other chat apps. Slack is not instant messaging and that’s one of the most beneficial things about it.

Asynchronous communication goes beyond mitigating your response expectations. It is a modality that gives each employee the freedom to work in a way that best benefits their natural flow.

Whether due to time differences, meetings, or personal matters, you will not always receive an immediate response. Appreciate the benefits of being able to share and reply to information on your own timeline (within reason).

What should you not do on Slack?

As well as following the five do’s for Slack etiquette, it’s as important to avoid some common behaviors.

4 – Don’t @channel or @everyone all the time

When you @channel, everyone who is in the channel will get a notification. With @everyone, all members of the general channel will be notified.

Use these sparingly to ensure only the people who need to see your message are notified. Overusing @channel and @everyone is intrusive and interrupts users focused on deep work.

Prevent misunderstandings and confusion by only @mentioning the people who need to see your message.

Tag me or the relevant person directly if you need a response from.

5 – Don’t use channels as direct messages

If there’s a topic that only concerns you and one other person, directly message them about it. When the rest of the channel doesn’t need to hear it, it could be a direct message.

For example, Terry and Sonya are working on slides for a case study. It isn’t necessary for Terry to share this information in the #general channel, even if he does @Sonya.

A DM would be a great place to discuss logistics and next steps. Sharing this information in the #general channel would cause confusion among those uninvolved in the project.

Consider who benefits from seeing your message and who you need a reply from.

6 – Don’t just say hello

Unlike instant messenger platforms, people aren’t waiting around for casual conversation. But if it’s a colleague, direct report, or manager, use that first message as your opportunity to send a good message.

Try to include all details in one succinct message. This sets the tone for a clear response thread. Your coworker may even be able to catch a snippet of what your message is through the notification that pops up.

In the same respect, you can use reactjis as signs of approval or disapproval. There’s little need to send messages like “okay” or “great” when you agree with something. A well-timed