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federico tartarini

Dr Federico Tartarini

Senior Lecturer | Horizon Fellow | Engineer | YouTuber

School of Architecture Design and Planning
The University of Sydney

I specialise in indoor environmental quality (IEQ), thermal comfort, human thermophysiology, and building performance research. My mission is to develop occupant-centric tools and solutions that improve thermal comfort, health, productivity, and overall well-being in built environments.

My research integrates experimental, computational, and field studies to examine how indoor environments influence human performance and health outcomes. I am passionate about bridging research and practice together, hence, I am the main author of several widely used open-source tools.

I am also a YouTuber, there I share my research and teaching experiences with a global audience.

My Research

My research focuses on determining and quantifying the effect that the environment has on thermal comfort, productivity, health, and well-being.


I am the main author of pythermalcomfort, the CBE Thermal Comfort Tool, the CBE Clima Tool, Cozie for Apple and Fitbit, the HeatWatch, and SMA Extreme heat tool.


I am a YouTube educator and I publish video tutorials about: LaTeX, Python, Thermal Comfort, LateX Beamer, Docusaurus, ReactJS.


I am passionate about LaTeX and I have created a series of tutorials and videos to help you get started with LaTeX.